AdSense is probably the first port of call for most bloggers when it comes to making money with their own blog. One of the reasons for this is that AdSense is quick and easy to set up and everyone can participate, no matter how small or large their own readership is.
But there comes a point where you no longer want to rely on just one horse to make money. In addition to other options, paid posts are a great way to build another income pillar. Here you can find out what you should pay attention to and how you can get as many orders as possible for paid posts.
In this little series about paid blog posts, I'd like to draw your attention to the opportunities and risks of this source of income. Tips and tricks for as many orders as possible and for avoiding risks. Done right, paid posts can be an important source of income.
What are paid blog posts?
Paid posts aren't just commissioned work. It's not about writing what someone else wants to hear, but rather writing his or her honest opinion on a particular topic. This topic is usually given by a company or a new and as yet unknown website. That could be something like this:
“At least 300 words on the new website You should pay particular attention to features A and B and discuss them critically. Put at least one link on and write a fair review. "
Of course, this is only a short version and there is usually a lot more information with the orders. But the main points are:
1-Discuss a specific website with a specific focus
2-The review must contain a minimum number of words
3-usually at least one link must be set
4-the review must be fair
5-In addition, the reputable providers must include a note in front of the review that the post is paid for
Point 4 should actually be a matter of course, because you should be fair on your blog in other ways. Unfortunately, some contemporaries forget their good manners just because the person concerned is not sitting across from them.
The real sticking point is that the starting point of a review is given, but not the actual content. Nobody demands praise. There are also always cases in which very critical reviews come out and that's a good thing. Because even though these are paid posts, no blogger should sell their opinion. Editorial freedom is paramount.
Paid Post Provider
The idea of making money with paid posts naturally came from the USA. There providers such as ReviewMe or PayPerPost have developed this business model and made it successful. Here is an overview of the providers I know:
German-speaking provider
Trigami is a Swiss provider of paid posts, but the German-speaking top dog. The number of customers rises sharply, so that one receives relatively many orders. , on the other hand, is a rather weak representative of this guild. Hardly any orders and a confusing interface have kept me from dealing with it more intensively.
English-speaking provider - The American address for paid posts. Up to $ 400 for the top blogs. However, only to be used for the English-speaking market. - Another English speaking provider. In contrast to most providers, the blogger looks for his desired orders from the offered orders and makes the customer a price offer.
As a German-speaking blogger, you actually have no choice. Trigami is the only alternative, but it works very well now.
Basic rules for paid posts
Before I list a few tips and tricks on how to get more paid mail, I would like to cover my basic rules for paid posts.
My basic rules for paid posts are:
1-Don't overdo
it. There should be significantly more normal posts than paid posts.
2-Only thematically appropriate jobs
Even if some jobs are very lucrative, if they don't fit, then I don't apply.
3-Long-term thinking
I want to build a readership over the long term. That's why I try not to scare away readers with too many paid posts.
3-Honest and fair
Just like my normal posts, I also write paid jobs for my readers and with my own opinion.
Depending on the blog type, it is certainly easier or more difficult to accommodate paid posts. Readers of a blog like this one, which is about self-employment and making money , are more likely to accept such posts than blogs with completely non-commercial topics.
You should definitely check in advance how the readers will react.
Tips for as many orders as possible from Trigami and Co.
I've been registered with Trigami for a while now and after hardly any orders came in the first few weeks and months, the number of offers has risen sharply in the last few weeks.
But how do I best use this potential and how do I get as many orders as possible?
register several blogs
It makes sense to register your own blogs in addition to the actual main blog. So you get more offers overall. Since the income for a paid post is mainly based on page rank and traffic , you would not earn as much money with jobs in the weaker blogs.
The solution: In every offer there is the option to suggest a different (better fitting) blog to the customer. So simply apply within an offer to a blog with few visitors, with your blog with a lot of visitors. Often the customer accepts this and you receive significantly more income.
Descriptive text for your own blogs
You should take the time to write the descriptive text for your own blog. This is the first thing potential customers read at Trigami and so it should be well done. You can also use the entry of tags for your own blog topics.
detailed application
texts Each offer has a text field in which you can explain why your blog would be the right one for this review. Make sure you use this field. Be honest and compelling about why this review is best placed on your blog. And a subtle indication of visitors and / or PageViews does no harm. On the contrary.
Increase traffic key figures
Even if the importance and, above all, the reliability of key figures such as Pagerank, Alexa Traffic, Technorati backlinks, and RSS reader numbers is controversial, these are very important here. Because Trigami customers naturally want to know how well visited a blog is before they post a review there. And there are simply no better alternatives right now. So put the work into increasing those numbers.
Blog age matters
Start a new blog today rather than tomorrow. Because the age of a blog is also an important criterion at Trigami. The longer a blog exists, the more trustworthy it is. Roughly said.
Entering unique visitors and page views honestly and updating them regularly
Trigami customers have recently been shown the visitor and page view numbers that they can enter themselves. So make sure that these numbers are always up to date. This directly affects the price of a paid post. But also be honest. If your blog gets blocked at Trigami, then you have the salad.
Rather fewer jobs and more lucrative.
According to Trigami, you can earn up to 200 euros for a review. So don't take every job straight away, even if it would fit. 2 jobs for 50 euros each mean less work for you and less “burden” for your own readers than 5 jobs for 20 euros each.
With these tips you should be able to get regular business deals from Trigami and earn money with it. This allows you to put your blog on another financial pillar next to advertising.
In the next article in this small series, I would like to investigate the question of whether it is worth buying paid reviews for your own website.
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