Affiliate Marketing Introduction and Money Making Tips

 Affiliate Marketing Introduction and Money Making Tips

Affiliate Marketing Introduction and Money Making Tips

Affiliate marketing is a very interesting source of income for websites and also for blogs.

But as great as the potential is, many readers keep reporting that affiliate marketing doesn't work for them. Banners and Co. are installed, but no income is generated.

I have worked a lot with affiliate marketing and partner programs myself over the past few months and have been able to gain a lot of experience, both good and bad. In the meantime, my income from affiliate programs has increased significantly, even if I still see potential for growth myself.

That doesn't make me an affiliate expert yet, but I still want to share my experience with you

Affiliate Marketing Introduction

That's why a new series of articles will start next week here on Self Employed Online.

In about a dozen articles I would like to go into the various aspects of successful affiliate marketing.

The parts of the affiliate marketing series that have been published so far:

1.What actually is affiliate marketing?

2.Find the optimal affiliate niche

3.Choosing the right affiliate network

4.Is my blog/website theme profitable?

5.Finding the right affiliate programs

6.Affiliate marketing promotional materials

7.Create a new affiliate website

8.Affiliate marketing on existing websites

9.Plugins for affiliate blogs

10.Drive traffic to affiliate sites

11.Optimization of affiliate sites

12.Affiliate site layout

13.Affiliate Tips and Experiences

14.Problems and questions in affiliate marketing

15.Affiliate CMS with WordPress including plugin recommendations.

As you can see, this is going to be quite an extensive series of articles as I really want to cover every important step and then you can implement your own affiliate projects step by step.

your questions

I'll also try to get some tips from affiliate experts and incorporate them throughout this series.

However, I would also be very happy if you would express any questions or requests regarding affiliate marketing now or then in the course of the article series.

In the individual parts of the article, I try to specifically address such questions and to answer them.

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