Is It Really That Easy?
A new blog parade deals with the interesting question of whether it is easy to make money on the Internet .
That is a good question because there are certainly many different views and, above all, wishful thinking.
Is it conceivable to bring in cash on the web?
There is also a clear “yes”.
Many individuals bring in cash on the web. If you look at, for example, that in 2007 affiliate marketing alone generated 210 million euros in sales in Germany and, according to estimates, more than 1,000 German affiliates recorded five-digit income, it becomes clear that you can make money on the Internet.
And sales in the area of online advertising are significantly higher. Not to mention other sources of income.
So there is a lot of money on the Internet and it will certainly increase in the future.
And the Internet in particular offers the opportunity for individual website / blog operators to participate in this big cake at low cost.
Apart from that, there are other ways to make money on the Internet.
So the question must correctly be:
Is It Easy To Make Money On The Internet?
Then I have to say no on the record.
Of course, you can earn your first euros quickly and easily with Google AdSense . But you can't even make a living from it.
If you want to earn enough to live off it, you have to stretch quite a bit. But that is no different than in other professions and industries.
Those who have enthusiasm, willingness to learn and perseverance have a good chance of being successful.
One should be very careful with such tempting offers as “Earn 5,000 euros overnight” or “Become an Internet millionaire in 30 days”.
The internet may have changed a few rules of the game, but the game itself is the same as in the “normal” economy.
And only very few of them get rich overnight. For most successful bloggers, webmasters, etc., the base is a lot of sweat and work.
All those who want to get rich quick without work will fall on their faces.
What do you have to do?
That of course depends on the individual circumstances. Not everyone has to go through the nights to be successful.
But without enthusiasm and motivation it will rarely be anything.
It is important for most Internet self-employed people to keep up to date. You shouldn't chase every trend, but you should know what's happening and educate yourself.
It is also important to know your limits. Whoever falls over at some point has been unable to do anything. But the ability to delegate certain tasks to others is also important.
Of course, there are many other factors that contribute to success.
Above all, it is important to be realistic. Over-bloggers like John Chow may be good for motivation, but they're not a yardstick.
On the other hand, you also need goals and visions. You should just be motivated and realistic.
Earning money on the internet is not necessarily easier than in the normal world.
Of course there are advantages on the Internet, but the competition is also greater.
But if you are committed and want to make your (realistic) dream come true, you have a very good chance of being successful.
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